Distances from Plaque

Distances from Plaque to the largest cities and places in Guinea-Bissau. Have a closer look at the distances from Plaque to the largest places in Guinea-Bissau.

You can sort the distances from Plaque to the largest places in Guinea-Bissau by distancealphabeticallyby population
1 - 14 of 14 places
Distances from Plaque to the largest places in Guinea-Bissau
Bissau Bissau1.388,0283.0 km 1.9 mishow
Bafata Bafatá2.22,521109 km 68 mishow
Gabu Gabú3.14,430158 km 98 mishow
Bissora Bissorã4.12,68842 km 26 mishow
Bolama Bolama5.10,76937 km 23 mishow
Cacheu Cacheu6.10,49074 km 46 mishow
Catio Catió7.9,89878 km 48 mishow
Bubaque Bubaque8.9,24471 km 44 mishow
Mansoa Mansôa9.7,82139 km 24 mishow
Buba Buba10.7,77975 km 47 mishow
Quebo Quebo11.7,07296 km 60 mishow
Canchungo Canchungo12.6,85350 km 31 mishow
Farim Farim13.6,79280 km 49 mishow
Quinhamel Quinhámel14.3,12826 km 16 mishow

1 - 14 of 14 places