Places in Guinea-Bissau

Find information on almost all places in Guinea-Bissau. Whether you are looking for information on regions in Guinea-Bissau or information on cities and places in Guinea-Bissau, this website is the right place in the web to start your search.

Facts and figures about Guinea-Bissau at a glance

Guinea-Bissau is a sovereign country on the continent of Africa. Guinea-Bissau covers a total area of 36,120.0 km2 and has a population of approximately 1,874,309 people.

The capital of Guinea-Bissau is Bissau (Bissau) with a population of 388,028 people.

Facts and figures about Guinea-Bissau
Guinea-BissauGW36,120.0 km21,874,309 people51.9

Population density in Guinea-Bissau
Population density
51.9 p/km2 (very low)
Very low population density in Guinea-Bissau
Guinea-Bissau: Very low population density

Compare the facts and figures of Guinea-Bissau with other countries in Africa.

Map of Guinea-Bissau

Map of Guinea-Bissau

Hotels in Guinea-Bissau

Find your hotel in Guinea-Bissau now. Book a hotel for your stay in Guinea-Bissau.

Information on Guinea-Bissau

Information on Guinea-Bissau
NameOfficial nameCodeStatusRegionsCapitalContinent
Guinea-BissauRepublic of Guinea-BissauGWSovereign country9 Bissau BissauAfrica

Time in Guinea-Bissau

Time in Guinea-Bissau
Current timeSummer time (DST)Standard timeCurrent timezone offsetTimezone
Mon, 29 Apr 2024 - 1:57am (01:57h)NoMon, 29 Apr 2024 - 1:57am (01:57h)UTCAfrica/Bissau

Currency in Guinea-Bissau

Currency in Guinea-Bissau

Languages in Guinea-Bissau

Languages in Guinea-Bissau

Neighbouring countries of Guinea-Bissau

Neighbouring countries of Guinea-Bissau
Neighbouring countries
Guinea, Senegal

Show neighbouring countries of Guinea-Bissau in map.

Telecommunication in Guinea-Bissau

Telecommunication in Guinea-Bissau
International calling codeInternet top level domain (TLD)

Latitude & Longitude of Guinea-Bissau

Latitude & Longitude of Guinea-Bissau
PositionLatitude (width)Longitude (length)
Show on map12°00'00.0"N (12.0000000°)15°00'00.0"W (-15.0000000°)

Regions in Guinea-Bissau

Regions in Guinea-Bissau
There are 9 primary administrative regions in Guinea-Bissau. Have a closer look at the regions in Guinea-Bissau.

Largest places in Guinea-Bissau

There are 6 places in Guinea-Bissau with a population of more than 10,000 people.
Largest places in Guinea-Bissau
Bissau Bissau1.388,028
Bafata Bafatá2.22,521
Gabu Gabú3.14,430
Bissora Bissorã4.12,688
Bolama Bolama5.10,769
Cacheu Cacheu6.10,490

View all large places in Guinea-Bissau.

External sources of information on Guinea-Bissau

Guinea-Bissau on Wikipedia

Search places in Guinea-Bissau by name

Enter the name of the place you are looking for in Guinea-Bissau in the search box and click on the button "Search". A few moments later, you will see all related search results of places in Guinea-Bissau.

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If you prefer you can search any place in Guinea-Bissau by first letter. Just click on the respective first letter in the index of places in Guinea-Bissau. All places in Guinea-Bissau starting with this letter will be listed. Also sometimes the full name of a certain place maybe unknown. Then this search option may also be usefull for searching such places in Guinea-Bissau.

Follow the hierarchy in Guinea-Bissau

You can click your way through the hierarchy starting from the continent Africa, over a region in Guinea-Bissau to a certain place or city in Guinea-Bissau, as all places and cities in Guinea-Bissau are linked hierarchically to each other. The actual hierarchy is always displayed in the breadcrumb navigation, so you can always see exactly where you are.